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Diversion cinema launches international VR distribution department

Diversion cinema


On the occasion of Cannes film festival & Next - Marché du Film, Diversion cinema announces the creation of a new department of International VR distribution and sales.

Diversion in distribution

Since its creation in 2016, Diversion cinema specialized in showcasing VR pieces and opened several VR cinemas in France (Forum des images, Louxor) across Europe (Rotterdam, Eindhoven), and worked for numerous prestigious festivals, among others : Venice film festival, Dubai international film festival, IDFA, Marché du film -! Festival de Cannes.

As a real-life buffer between creators and the audience, it became logic to start taking care of distribution, an issue known in the VR field.

CANNES FILM FESTIVAL - MAY 2018  On the occasion of Cannes film festival & Next - Marché du Film, Diversion cinema announces the creation of a new department of International VR distribution and sales.  Diversion in distribution Since its creation in 2016, Diversion cinema specialized in showcasing VR pieces and opened several VR cinemas in France (Forum des images, Louxor) across Europe (Rotterdam, Eindhoven), and worked for numerous prestigious festivals, among others : Venice film festival, Dubai international film festival, IDFA, Marché du film -! Festival de Cannes. As a real-life buffer between creators and the audience, it became logic to start taking care of distribution, an issue known in the VR field.  A pioneer in international VR distribution For that purpose, Paul Bouchard, founder of the VR Sales & Acquisitions department at WIDE joined Diversion cinema to open their international VR distribution department.  Having worked 8 years in the film industry and international sales business, Paul Bouchard launched in 2016 WIDE VR, a new department dedicated to Sales of narrative Virtual Reality contents. After one year developing a unique expertise regarding VR sales and distribution, Paul teamed up with Diversion cinema in 2018 to become head of international distribution to reach a wider audience and to bring efficient distribution and monetization solutions to VR producers.  A tool: Viktor Romeo  To help spreading VR diffusion, Diversion developed a VR booth for two: Viktor Romeo, named after the radio code for VR. Low-tech, easy to use, accessible, brandable, Viktor Romeo is the solution for venues willing to showcase VR: cinemas, libraries, cultural centers, aquariums & more. In Diversion’s strategy, Viktor Romeo is a distribution facilitator, a democratization tool for VR.  Line up  “VR with a soul” Diversion wants to bring another VR to the public’s eyes. Artistic creations, human & social point of views, narrative experiments : that is the kind of productions leading Diversion’s line-up. From 360 videos to interactive experiences, Diversion aims to represent soulful VR pieces to large audiences.      • The Real Thing 2018 NewImages - Best immersive production Award  A film by Benoit Felici Directed by Benoit Felici and Mathias Chelebourg Produced by Artline Films, DVgroup, and ARTE France France – 2018 – 16’ - VR 360°	 The Real Thing is a VR journey into a copy of our world, exploring real-life stories inside China’s replicas of Paris, Venice and London. 	       • The Wild Immersion 	 	 	 	 Directed by Adrien Moisson & Raphaël Aupy Produced by The Virtual Reserve Ltd. & BrainWorks Great Britain & France - 2018 - VR 360° The Wild Immersion, supported by Jane Goodall Institute. The first Biodiversity Journey.       • Kobold -Coming soon- Directed by Max Sacker Produced by Another World VR Germany - 2018 - interactive VR experience Kobold blurs the line between cinema and VR gaming, immerse yourself in true, cinematic realism, explore a fully interactive universe entirely scanned with photogrammetry from real locations, pick up clues, solve a mystery and come face to face with an ancient evil.         • Bloodless	 	 	 	 2017 Venice International Film Festival - Best VR Story Award Directed by Gina Kim Produced by Crayon Film Korea & USA - 2017 - 12’ - VR 360° 	 	 	 	 A short experimental documentary film tracing the last living moments of a sex worker who was brutally murdered by a US soldier at the Dongducheon Camptown in South Korea.      • An Obituary	 	 	 	 2018 Tribeca immersive selection Directed by Jean Yoon Produced by DanDanHan Pictures Korea - 2017 - 14’ - VR 360° 	 	 	 	 A young man travels alone deep into the countryside to pay his respects after hearing of a friend’s untimely death. Upon his arrival, he finds himself to be the sole mourner at the funeral. Alone in the country, save for the elderly mother of his deceased friend, he begins to wonder why they seem to be the only two people left in the village.   Diversion team will attend     • Series Mania - Lille, France     • Marché du Film - Cannes, France Stand 14.H (-1 Palais des Festivals)  Diversion special showcase (VR Screening @ Next-Marché du Film) on Thursday 10 at 5 p.m. & Wednesday 11 at 4 p. m.     • Sheffield Doc/Fest - Sheffield, United-Kingdom     • Festival d’Annecy Mifa - Annecy, France     • World VR Forum - Geneva, Switzerland To schedule a meeting :   _______ Press contact : Stella Jacob +33624076843 	 		 		 	 				 _______  _______  Facebook : instagram : twitter : linkedin :
Paul Bouchard - VR acquisitions & distribution

A pioneer in international VR distribution

For that purpose, Paul Bouchard, founder of the VR Sales & Acquisitions department at WIDE joined Diversion cinema to open their international VR distribution department.

Having worked 8 years in the film industry and international sales business, Paul Bouchard launched in 2016 WIDE VR, a new department dedicated to Sales of narrative Virtual Reality contents. After one year developing a unique expertise regarding VR sales and distribution, Paul teamed up with Diversion cinema in 2018 to become head of international distribution to reach a wider audience and to bring efficient distribution and monetization solutions to VR producers.

Viktor Romeo stations during Series Mania ©Gaël Leitao
Viktor Romeo stations during Series Mania ©Gaël Leitao

A tool: Viktor Romeo

To help spreading VR diffusion, Diversion developed a VR booth for two: Viktor Romeo, named after the radio code for VR. Low-tech, easy to use, accessible, brandable, Viktor Romeo is the solution for venues willing to showcase VR: cinemas, libraries, cultural centers, aquariums & more.

In Diversion’s strategy, Viktor Romeo is a distribution facilitator, a democratization tool for VR.

Line up “VR with a soul”

Diversion wants to bring another VR to the public’s eyes. Artistic creations, human & social point of views, narrative experiments : that is the kind of productions leading Diversion’s line-up. From 360 videos to interactive experiences, Diversion aims to represent soulful VR pieces to large audiences.

2018 NewImages - Best immersive production Award

A film by Benoit Felici

Directed by Benoit Felici and Mathias Chelebourg

Produced by Artline Films, DVgroup, and ARTE France

France – 2018 – 16’ - VR 360°

The Real Thing is a VR journey into a copy of our world, exploring real-life stories inside China’s replicas of Paris, Venice and London.

Directed by Adrien Moisson & Raphaël Aupy

Produced by The Virtual Reserve Ltd. & BrainWorks

Great Britain & France - 2018 - VR 360°

The Wild Immersion, supported by Jane Goodall Institute. The first Biodiversity Journey.

Kobold -Coming soon-

Directed by Max Sacker

Produced by Another World VR

Germany - 2018 - interactive VR experience

Kobold blurs the line between cinema and VR gaming, immerse yourself in true, cinematic realism, explore a fully interactive universe entirely scanned with photogrammetry from real locations, pick up clues, solve a mystery and come face to face with an ancient evil.


2017 Venice International Film Festival - Best VR Story Award

Directed by Gina Kim

Produced by Crayon Film

Korea & USA - 2017 - 12’ - VR 360°

A short experimental documentary film tracing the last living moments of a sex worker who was brutally murdered by a US soldier at the Dongducheon Camptown in South Korea.

2018 Tribeca immersive selection

Directed by Jean Yoon

Produced by DanDanHan Pictures

Korea - 2017 - 14’ - VR 360°

A young man travels alone deep into the countryside to pay his respects after hearing of a friend’s untimely death. Upon his arrival, he finds himself to be the sole mourner at the funeral. Alone in the country, save for the elderly mother of his deceased friend, he begins to wonder why they seem to be the only two people left in the village.

Diversion team will attend

Series Mania - Lille, France

Marché du Film - Cannes, France

Stand 14.H (-1 Palais des Festivals)

Diversion special showcase (VR Screening @ Next-Marché du Film) on Thursday 10 at 5 p.m. & Wednesday 11 at 4 p. m.

Sheffield Doc/Fest - Sheffield, United-Kingdom

Festival d’Annecy Mifa - Annecy, France

World VR Forum - Geneva, Switzerland

To schedule a meeting :




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